Individual coaching program for introverts who work from home

Learn how to set and follow through on your priorities so that you get the important things done and still have energy left at the end of the day

This is an individual coaching program for introverts working from home who want to learn how to set and follow through on their priorities so that they get the important things done and still have energy left at the end of the day, no matter how tired or overwhelmed they feel right now.

Are you an introvert working from home and do you recognize these challenges:

  • You’re dealing with distractions all the time and you feel unfocused. It’s hard to decide what has priority and you feel undisciplined in following through on your commitments. The constant pull of commitments for work, the needs of family and friends, notifications, household chores, and makes you feel like you’re never doing enough. You also have hobbies and personal goals that you’d like to work on but they often slip to the background. It feels overwhelming, chaotic, and frustrating to constantly multitask and divide your focus to keep things going.

  • You feel guilty for wanting time to yourself when family and work is waiting. Investing in habits that support your physical and mental well-being feels like a luxury. You end up talking yourself out of doing what you really want and what you know is good for you or you feel lazy and undisciplined because you don’t have the energy.

  • You enjoy the freedom to manage your own time and the convenience of working from home but you feel like you procrastinate a lot. You would like to stop ignoring important things and be able to know how to push through and get things done when it’s needed and how to give yourself a break without feeling guilty.

  • You’re always ‘on’ and you feel exhausted. Your energy levels are unpredictable and you often feel like you’re falling back into old patterns. It’s hard for you to find the right balance between following through on your commitments and having a healthy lifestyle that you enjoy. You’d like to have a plan that works in your situation so that you don’t end up exhausted at the end of the day and turn to doom scrolling or binge watching Netflix.

You are not alone in struggling to set the right priorities when working from home.

As an introvert, you may also have a strong inner critic: that little voice in your head that points out all the things that you did wrong. A strong inner critic can cause a lot of stress and make it hard for you to set and follow through on priorities.

In some cases, you may not be aware that this is happening. You mainly experience exhaustion, overwhelm, procrastination, and feeling like there’s something wrong with you.

Learning how to calm the inner critic will allow you to get clear and calm focus about what you need to do first to make progress.

You can learn how to get the important things done and still have energy left at the end of the day with the Clear and Calm Focus system for introverts.

Are you interested to know if the Clear and Calm Focus system is right for you?

If you want to know if the Clear and Calm Focus system for introverts is right for you, then email me here.

We will schedule an exploration call on Zoom. 

During this call, we’ll talk about what’s challenging for you right now as an introvert and what you’d like to achieve with this program. 

We’ll also discover your Natural Habit Style together, the first element of the Clear and Calm Focus system.

Based on this, we’ll explore together if the individual coaching program is right for you.

This is a free exploration call.

I look forward to speaking with you!